
5th Grade Syllabus

Classroom Rules and Procedures for Fork Shoals Fabulous Fifth Grade

Classroom Rules for Student Behavior:

Our school is a PBIS (Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports) school.  All of our rules and procedures follow the PBIS guidelines and align under our school’s three main expectations:  
S tay Safe
T ake Responsibility
A nd
R espect Everyone

We acknowledge students who exhibit desired behaviors with Star Cards.  Students can use Star Cards to earn the following rewards: 
Each time that a student receives a Star Card, his/her name will be entered into a weekly drawing.  One student’s name per grade level will be drawn on the Friday edition of the Fork Shoals Morning News.  Selected students will go immediately to the Bell Tower for a “Shout Out Cheer” and a Star Pencil.
Students may “cash in” their Star Cards to their classroom teachers for any of the following incentives:
            10 Star Cards = Choose One of the Following
                        -Special Seat in the Class
                        -Choose a Book for the Teacher to Read
                        -Choose Any Class Job for a Week
                        -Sit Next to the Teacher at Lunch
                        -Write with a Special Pen or Marker
                        -Choose Music for the Class
                        -Do 1/2 of an Assignment
                        -Extra Computer Time
                        -Free Choice Time
                        -No Homework Pass
            20 Star Cards = Lunch with a Friend  
            30 Star Cards = Extra Recess with another Class
            40 Star Cards = Extra Related Arts with another Class 
            50 Star Cards = Choice of a Pizza Lunch, School T-shirt, or Gift Certificate to the School Store

We discourage inappropriate behavior in our school and classrooms.  The following guidelines will be followed for discouraging inappropriate behaviors:
  • If a student does not follow one of our school or classroom expectations, he/she will receive a verbal warning and will be re-taught the desired behavior. 
  • If a student does not correct after verbal warning, the student will have time to reflect on their behavior by filling out a think sheet in another 5th grade classroom.
  • If the inappropriate behavior continues, the student will receive a Classroom Discipline Report.  All Classroom Discipline Reports will be written by the teacher in the classroom and sent home to the parent.  The consequences for a Classroom Discipline Report may be (Examples: silent lunch, 5 minutes of structured recess, removal from the group). 
Three Classroom Discipline Reports that occur over the course of a quarter or one severe offense will result in an office referral.  All office referrals will be sent to the office to be seen by a principal and consequences will be administered by the principal

Classroom Management Procedures:
Depending on the frequency and/or severity of inappropriate behavior one or more of the following may be used.
  • Loss of privilege, such as classroom and lunch seating choice or delayed start to recess
  • Parent contact (by phone, written note, or email)
  • Student conference with administrator
  • Discipline referral

5th Grade Classroom Supply List:

Individual List

1 pack of sheet protectors
4 marble composition notebooks
3 spiral notebook-100 pages
2 packs colored pencils
2 highlighters
2 packs of pencils
1 box sandwich bags (Girls only)
1 red plastic folder with brads & pockets
1 blue plastic folder with brads & pockets
2 glue sticks
1 pair of scissors
4 rolls of scotch tape
2 boxes of tissues (Girls only)
1 container of sanitizing wipes (Boys only)
1 box gallon sized bags (Boys only)

Student Choices/Jobs:
The students in our classrooms will play an active role in the decisions made in our classroom.  In addition to taking part in the decisions, students will be active participants in “housekeeping”. Our goal is for the students to have a sense of pride, responsibility, and ownership in the classrooms.

Daily Classroom Procedures:

Mornings:  Upon arrival, students will report to the gym until the bell rings at 7:45 am. Students will not be allowed to use their own device while they wait in the gym.  Students will proceed to the classroom, unpack their backpacks, and place all items in appropriate areas. Students will make lunch choice and begin working on work posted on the board.

Restrooms:  Students may use the restroom as needed (with permission).

Homework Policy:  Homework will not be graded.  Students are expected to complete each homework assignment.  .  There will be consequences for consistently not doing homework.

Procedures for Non-Instructional Routines:  Students will be allowed to sharpen pencils, get materials, and throw away trash (etc.) during non-instructional time with permission. However, students will be expected to move about the room quietly without disturbing their classmates.

Absentee Policy:  Students will be allowed to make up missed work.  The student will have 5 days to make up missed work, if it is an excused absence; exceptions will be made for students who are out for extended periods of time.

Communication with Parents

Progress Reports and Conferences:  Progress reports will be distributed approximately half way through each quarter.  Parents are welcome to contact us by phone or e-mail with questions and concerns.  Conferences will be held with all parents prior to the end of the 1st quarter.  If parents have concerns, we will be happy to arrange a meeting at any other time.  Student led conferences will be held in the spring.

Newsletters:  A newsletter will be issued every Monday to all students.  A paper copy will only be sent home to those not on the email distribution list or by request  This newsletter will contain the latest information on curriculum, “happenings” in classroom as well as field trips, as well as the week’s spelling words. Assessments for the week will be listed here. Quiz dates may be changed if the class is ready to move forward with other instruction.

Daily Assignment Log:  All students will have the opportunity to purchase an assignment log that will have a page per day of assignments.  Students will be expected to record all assignments in this log. This assignment log will have an area available for parent teacher correspondence. These can be purchased for $4.00 from the office.

Papers home:  Teachers will send home graded papers once a week. Occasionally, there will be notices from the school sent home on other days.

5th Grade Promotion and Exhibition

5th Grade Celebration: The 5th Grade Awards and Celebration will be held Wednesday, June 1, 2016 at 9:00 am at Fork Shoals.

Exhibition: The 5th grade students will choose an exhibition project that they will design and implement.  The 5th grade students will present their project to the other grade levels on February 12, 2016. Parents are welcome to attend.

Grading Policies
Student Assessment:
Grading Scale
A         93 –100
B          85-92
C          77-84
D         70-76
Students will be tested and quizzed in each subject at the end of instruction and after time for practice.  In all subjects, tests are more heavily weighted than quizzes. 

At Fork Shoals School, we are committed to our students experiencing their greatest success at school.  We recognize that in order for this to be accomplished, students, teachers, and parents all play a vital role in continual student achievement.

It is our belief that not all students learn the content at the same pace.  With this in mind, we are committed to allowing students to learn and relearn in order to show their mastery of the content by redoing missed items on some assessments.   If a student’s grade is a D or lower, they will be highly encouraged to correct the missed items their assessment.   Students scoring a C or higher will be able to correct missed items to show their mastery.   All corrections are to be completed within two days and will be offered for partial credit.  

When minor graded assessments are returned, students should correct the missed items on a piece of paper noting where they found their information for the corrected answer.  A parent signature is also required.  Half credit for each corrected answer will be added to the quiz grade.  These corrections will allow students to learn any items that were missed to help in their knowing and understanding of the information.

Corrections will be offered for minor assessments only. *No corrections will be offered on spelling tests or on notebook grades.

Majors will be redone when the class average is below a 77.

Another component of our grading procedures involves the posting of grades.  Grades are posted in Power School within ten days of the assessment.  All parents can receive access to the Parent Portal to observe and monitor their child’s grades.   Please be sure to get the login information from the front office if you do not already have it.

Greenville County Schools has a set “floor” of 62.  No grade below 62 will be recorded.  If a child receives a grade below 62, then the floor will be posted.  To keep parents informed, the actual grade will be on the assessment to make parents aware of the need for academic improvement.

            Study guides/Outlines will only be given for content unit tests. Students should use notes taken in class to prepare for quizzes.

We hope that this information provides for you a framework to show our passion for improved student achievement.  With each of us working together, the children of Fork Shoals will have the chance to experience their best as they continue on their academic journey.

Fifth grade teachers

Mrs. Darnell’s Daily Schedule:

8:00- 8:10
Morning Work
Morning Work
Morning Work
Morning Work
Morning Work


Social Studies

Social Studies
Social Studies
Social Studies
Pack-Up/ Dismissal

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